第一次来到Balik Pulau浮罗山背,我跟朋友们先来到浮罗大街停车场打包一些食物前往民宿。第一个打包的食物就是曼剪糕,可以选择黑糖、白糖或班兰黑糖的口味,一片只需RM0.80,皮厚夹杂着满满的馅料。其中一样是最近还蛮火红的手作台湾烧,店家分别提供三种不同口味,包括红豆,黑芝麻和花生。我们事先预订三种口味,原本以为来到摊口前即可领取麻糬,结果还需要等候店家现场制作。停车场对面还有一家非常出名的金叻沙,有亚叁口味和暹口味,我们买了一包暹口味的叻沙。
第一次来到Balik Pulau浮罗山背,我跟朋友们先来到浮罗大街停车场打包一些食物前往民宿。第一个打包的食物就是曼剪糕,可以选择黑糖、白糖或班兰黑糖的口味,一片只需RM0.80,皮厚夹杂着满满的馅料。其中一样是最近还蛮火红的手作台湾烧,店家分别提供三种不同口味,包括红豆,黑芝麻和花生。我们事先预订三种口味,原本以为来到摊口前即可领取麻糬,结果还需要等候店家现场制作。停车场对面还有一家非常出名的金叻沙,有亚叁口味和暹口味,我们买了一包暹口味的叻沙。
我实在好久没有在部落格更新中文。昨天久违跟好友聚一聚,我们选择来到位于Simpang Kuala的Summer Desert Bakery Cafe。店家集合面包店、蛋糕店与咖啡馆于一身,出售自制的面包与蛋糕。精致可口的面包与五彩缤纷的蛋糕摆设在透明的展示柜中,琳琅满目的选择令人眼花缭乱!咖啡馆的餐单选择也不少,包括披萨、意大利面、饭类、早餐系列、西餐等。我们一行人点了3份主餐,3杯饮料和一块蛋糕,大饱口福!
It's been a while since my last blog post. Yesterday I met with my long-lost friends at Summer Dessert Cafe, which located at Simpang Kuala. This shop featured as a bakery cafe, as they sell their own-made bread and cakes. The delicious bread and colorful cakes arranged in the cabinet, and you will bedazzled by a sheer number of choices. The menu of the cafe provides a variety of options, including pizza, spaghetti, rice, big breakfast, western foods, and so on. We order three sets of main courses, three cups of drinks, and one slice of cake, stuffing ourselves with these scrumptious delicacies.
Georgia is a lesser-known tourist attraction, as it must be a place that many peoples never knew existed. This country is located at the border of Asia and Europe, as the Caucasus Mountains and its surrounding terrain straddling Eurasia. Georgia has gone through many storms due to the war, such as the economic crisis. Nowadays, the country finally back to peace. The tourism brought significant economic sources for the country, and the expenses are quite affordable compared to nearby countries. Georgia has a long historical culture and picturesque natural scenery. You can see colorful houses in the fairy-tale world, or hiking along snow-capped mountains, as well as a lot of secret spots. You can bump into locals which showcase their friendly culture. Let's explore this incredible country together!
When we mention Norway, it's well known in the public's mind for sightseeing Aurora. The best experience of view attracting tourists all over the world, especially the peak season of the trip from November to March. Norway has a variety of scenery, while the towns disperse on high mountains, thrilling fjords, or cold islands. Let's take a look at these 5 fascinating towns!
Switzerland is well known globally for its picturesque scenery of nature, especially Jungfraujoch featured as Top of Europe. Despite the high living expenses in Switzerland, this still won't stop the footstep of the tourists coming here. Today, I am going to introduce the beautiful small towns in the Jungfraujoch region, as well as a small town located in Central of Switzerland. I am pretty sure these towns not to be missed during the first-time visit to Switzerland, which will make you fascinated by these incredible attractions! Let's take a look!