
【亚罗士打咖啡馆】Summer Desert Bakery Cafe——自制面包蛋糕的咖啡馆 Cafe with self-made cakes and breads


我实在好久没有在部落格更新中文。昨天久违跟好友聚一聚,我们选择来到位于Simpang Kuala的Summer Desert Bakery Cafe。店家集合面包店、蛋糕店与咖啡馆于一身,出售自制的面包与蛋糕精致可口的面包与五彩缤纷的蛋糕摆设在透明的展示柜中,琳琅满目的选择令人眼花缭乱!咖啡馆的餐单选择也不少,包括披萨、意大利面、饭类、早餐系列、西餐等。我们一行人点了3份主餐,3杯饮料和一块蛋糕,大饱口福!

It's been a while since my last blog post. Yesterday I met with my long-lost friends at Summer Dessert Cafe, which located at Simpang Kuala. This shop featured as a bakery cafe, as they sell their own-made bread and cakes. The delicious bread and colorful cakes arranged in the cabinet, and you will bedazzled by a sheer number of choices. The menu of the cafe provides a variety of options, including pizza, spaghetti, rice, big breakfast, western foods, and so on. We order three sets of main courses, three cups of drinks, and one slice of cake, stuffing ourselves with these scrumptious delicacies.